Разговорник ] #lazyenglish_phrasebook go astray / lead astray — уйти в сторону / увести в сторону No arguments must lead you astray! take place — происходить, иметь место Ignoring them, Cris turns toward the street where he saw the accident take place. get one's way / have one's way — получить возможность делать как хочется Oh alright, have your way with me if you must! Go on, fulfill you sick pleasures! let somebody go — отпустить Please just let me go! leave somebody alone — оставить в покое Leave him alone, Herman! We were just talking! cross someone's path — встретить на пути She stopped watching every beautiful accomplished man who crossed her path. find oneself — оказаться I would then find myself in a bamboo hut trying to fight with enemy soldiers with machine guns. get one's — получить своё She's got hers, we've got ours. lay aside — отказаться, отложить You'd lay aside what's between us? keep one's distance — отстраниться в буквальном или переносном смысле I tried to keep my distance...until you needed help. cannot help / cannot but — не удержаться As I watch this new army train, I cannot help but think of those who rode with me in me 23rd cavalry. take cover — найти защиту или убежище Take cover where you can but the important thing is not to panic. make friends — заводить друзей They think I'll make friends if we move. Just move and everything'll be roses. I don't want to make friends. stumbling block — помеха, камень преткновения The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. no offence — без обид No offence, Fry, but you've become a fat sack of crap. make a bundle — срубить много денег here's a lotta head cases out there, you could make a bundle.. none other than — не кто иной, как Singing with the group is none other than Oz. He's not doing too badly, but mainly he's checking out the various vocal jazz girls. at worst — в худшем случае Further, I don't believe you'll use the money for food, but I believe you'll use it for, at worst, drugs, or, at best, whiskey, or . cigarettes.